Why is it important to manage Hypertension?
It is important to have your blood pressure checked regularly because you may not have any symptoms and may not know that you have high blood pressure.
If high blood pressure is not properly managed, it can lead to Stroke, Heart Attack, Heart Failure, Kidney Disease, Osteoporosis, Eye problems, Erectile Dysfunction and other serious health conditions.
Numbers to know
A reading of less than 120/80 is Normal
A reading of 120 -139/80-89 is Pre-Hypertensive
A reading of 140/90 is Hypertensive
Some Suggestions on how to manage your Hypertension
Maintain a good weight
Eat a healthy diet
Reduce sodium intake
Exercise regularly
Stop smoking
Reduce alcohol intake
Take medication as prescribed by your doctor
Check your blood pressure often and share your readings with your doctor